Primover Vermodje


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Primover (100 mg/ml, 10 ml) is an injectable steroid preparation that is effective for drying and high-quality muscle growth without excess water/fat/recovery. The active ingredient is the steroid methenolone enanthate (a form of extended release that lasts up to 12-16 days (half-life – 6-8 days) after injection).


The drug is manufactured by Vermodje (Moldova). It is a long-acting steroid anabolic and androgen: anabolic activity is predominant – 88% of testosterone, androgenic activity is reduced to 44% of testosterone. It is characterised by a completely uncharacteristic aroma.

The effect of Primover for an athlete is an increase in stiffness and relief, high-quality muscle growth, unlike when using flavoured steroids, and is not accompanied by fluid retention.

Who can Primover be recommended for? Athletes of almost any physical discipline, even women in sports, as the steroid has no pronounced androgenic properties. When used in a moderate dosage, there is virtually no risk of virilisation (symptoms such as aggression, acne or a coarsened voice).

Injectable primover vermodje reviews and prices are more often described in praise. If the athlete is well aware of the capabilities of the drug and the capabilities of his body, then the results will not be long in coming. At the same time, most of the side effects inherent in other steroids (estrogenic, progestogenic or androgenic) bypass methenolone, which only increases its relevance as a doping agent for athletes.

Due to the specifics of its action, Primover injections are mainly used in drying courses, when the goal is not to maximise muscle growth, but to obtain high-quality results, up to and including lean muscle mass.


How to give Primover injections is a question asked by many sports enthusiasts who primarily seek to get beautifully sculpted muscles, but also want to avoid steroid side effects.

The use of Primover (10 ml) is usually carried out in combination, as the drug is effectively combined with most steroids effective for the development of athleticism, including testosterone, methandienone, oxymetholone, oral turinabol, boldenone, oxandrolone, nandrolone and many others.

A solo course of Primovir is a rare practice, so here are examples of some effective combinations of the drug: for muscle gain – with methandienone, long-acting testosterone, oxymetholone or nandrolone decanoate; for safe and high-quality muscle growth – with oxandrolone, fast testosterone or nandrolone.

The average Primover dosage recommended for athletes varies from 200 to 400 mg per week. The average duration of use is 6-8 weeks. The frequency of use is on average twice a week (which is explained by the rather long period of action of the substance after administration).

Primover (methenolone enanthate) is not without reason considered one of the safest steroidal anabolic steroids used in sports. However, in order to exclude even potential risks, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination, consult a doctor, and undergo tests if necessary.

Additional information

active substance


Amount of substance, mg


release form


1 Tablette, mg


Blasen pro Packung, Stck




order size

1 blister of 25 tablets, 1 package (4 blister)


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